Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Syllabus for data structure

  1. Introduction: Basic Terminology, Elementary Data Organization,
  2. Data Structures and Operations, Algorithm : Complexity, Time-Space Tradeoff, Asymptotic Notations for Complexity( Ω ,θ, O),
  3. Array: Introduction, Representation of Linear Arrays in Memory, Traversing Linear Arrays, Arrays: Inserting and Deleting (at Beginning, middle and at the end)
  4. Searching: Linear and Binary Search with their Complexity
  5. Sorting: Bubble Sort & its Complexity,
  6. Linked List: Introduction & its memory representation, Traversing a Linked List, 
  7. Insertion into Linked List (sorted and unsorted Linked List)
  8. Deleting from Linked List,
  9. Operations on Doubly Linked List,
  10. Circular linked List & its applications,
  11. Stacks & Queues: Array and Linked representation of Stacks,
  12. Implementations of recursive and non recursive procedures by Stacks,
  13. Applications: Arithmetic Expressions
  14. Polish Notation: Evaluation of Arithmetic Expressions
  15. Transforming Infix Expressions into Postfix Expressions
  16. Queues : Representation as Array and Linked List, Deques, Priority Queues
  17. Sorting Techniques-Quick sort , Merge Sort , Radix Sort, Selection Sort, Insertion Sort & their complexity,
  18. Trees: Binary trees, complete binary trees,
  19. Binary Search Trees, Data structures for representing binary trees.
  20. Insertion, deletion and searching in these trees.
  21. Tree Traversal: preorder, In order, Post order and their algorithms,
  22. Balanced binary Trees, AVL trees,
  23. insertion and Deletion in AVL tree,  Heaps
  24. Difference between heap and Array, insertion and deletion in heap.
  25. Heap sort and its applications,
  26. Graphs: Basic terminology, directed and undirected graphs, notion of path.
  27. Representation of graphs: edge list structures, adjacency list structures, adjacency matrix.
  28. Linked List representation of Graph, Operations on Graph
  29. Graph traversals: DFS, BFS,
  30. Hashing: Techniques, Collision and its resolving.


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