- Introduction: Basic Terminology, Elementary Data Organization,
- Data Structures and Operations, Algorithm : Complexity, Time-Space Tradeoff, Asymptotic Notations for Complexity( Ω ,θ, O),
- Array: Introduction, Representation of Linear Arrays in Memory, Traversing Linear Arrays, Arrays: Inserting and Deleting (at Beginning, middle and at the end)
- Searching: Linear and Binary Search with their Complexity
- Sorting: Bubble Sort & its Complexity,
- Linked List: Introduction & its memory representation, Traversing a Linked List,
- Insertion into Linked List (sorted and unsorted Linked List)
- Deleting from Linked List,
- Operations on Doubly Linked List,
- Circular linked List & its applications,
- Stacks & Queues: Array and Linked representation of Stacks,
- Implementations of recursive and non recursive procedures by Stacks,
- Applications: Arithmetic Expressions
- Polish Notation: Evaluation of Arithmetic Expressions
- Transforming Infix Expressions into Postfix Expressions
- Queues : Representation as Array and Linked List, Deques, Priority Queues
- Sorting Techniques-Quick sort , Merge Sort , Radix Sort, Selection Sort, Insertion Sort & their complexity,
- Trees: Binary trees, complete binary trees,
- Binary Search Trees, Data structures for representing binary trees.
- Insertion, deletion and searching in these trees.
- Tree Traversal: preorder, In order, Post order and their algorithms,
- Balanced binary Trees, AVL trees,
- insertion and Deletion in AVL tree, Heaps
- Difference between heap and Array, insertion and deletion in heap.
- Heap sort and its applications,
- Graphs: Basic terminology, directed and undirected graphs, notion of path.
- Representation of graphs: edge list structures, adjacency list structures, adjacency matrix.
- Linked List representation of Graph, Operations on Graph
- Graph traversals: DFS, BFS,
- Hashing: Techniques, Collision and its resolving.
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